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Provision of computer equipment


En raison des délais d'approvisionnement des matériels, nous demandons aux responsables d'équipe ou de thèse de bien vouloir nous avertir 1 mois minimum avant l’arrivée de leurs collègues.

Material loan

The laboratory provides computer equipment (13-inch MacBook Air model with docking station) that meet IT laboratory needs and security criteria of CNRS and X institutions for all its staff (contract > 6 months) who would not be equipped with professional computer equipment. If you are in this case, we strongly encourage you to borrow this material instead of your personal material to access the IT resources of the laboratory1 and the Polytechnic school.

We ask team managers to notify us at least 2 months before the arrival of their new staff.

We ask that you first complete and sign the loan agreement with your manager and return it to us by email or to our office. Secondly, and depending on the material available, we will get back to you, to provide you with the equipment, configure it and possibly explain how it works as well as access to the laboratory's computer resources (VPN, SSH access, messaging, etc.).

Material returns

Laboratory equipment is inventoried and equipped with an anti-theft plate StopTrack. It must be returned to the laboratory once it has been made available to you (eg. end of your contract).

  1. see IT access policy of laboratory.